Weight | 0.25 kg |
Dimensions | 15 × 5 × 21 cm |
The Mystery of the Falcon’s Eye
Illustrated by Ammar Khattab
17-year-old Ziad who lives in Qalandia refugee camp finds himself the sole bread winner of his family after his activist father gets arrested and becomes an administrative prisoner. We first meet Ziad while he’s selling hot tea to a long line of people waiting in their cars to cross the checkpoint. Ziad lives with his great grandmother, mother, sister and younger brother. His great Grandma is senile and keeps repeating stories of the past but there is one story – in particular- that never changes. It is the story of the family’s lost gold left in their village – Lifta – when they were forced to flee during the war. Ziad makes it his mission to find this gold which takes him on a treacherous journey back to his ancestral village. An exciting and moving story full of action and suspense. It is also a story about what it means to be a refugee, living under occupation in a refugee camp generation after generation. It is a story about yearning to ‘return’ to the ancestral village his people were forced to leave and not allowed to return.
dayglowjoe –
This novel was wonderful, and as a student of the Arabic language, it was one of the first books I have read cover to cover in Arabic. The language style is sleek and swift, simple but not basic, and it reads incredibly well, even for someone new to Arabic. The plot is well paced, making it a real page turner. It brilliantly mixes an exciting and intriguing children’s adventure narrative against a more complex background of politics, the occupation, culture, heritage and identity, in a way that is educational without ever becoming too complicated or. It is a great way for both Palestinian and Arab children to connect with the pre-1948 heritage of Palestine, as well as educating children around the world about this issue in an emotionally engaging and moving way. The characters were warm and realistic and the author has painted a vivid and immersive portrait of the reality of daily life for Palestinians of many different backgrounds, both in the West Bank, and within the borders of Israel. It effortlessly deals with complex and important issues without sacrificing the fast paced plot, and also features informative footnotes giving expanded information about the real life locations and events mentioned in the story. A highly recommended book for children and adults alike!
hassawsthebest –
احببت القصة جدًا وسهرت ليل امس لكي انهيها. احببت في القصة انها تتحدث عن الاحتلال الصهيوني الذي حصل في فلسطين، اخذوا مفاتيح بيوتهم وظنوا انهم سيعودوا الى ديارهم بعد بضعة ايام ولكن حصل ما حصل وتفرق الفلسطينيون في انحاء العالم… اشعرتني القصة بانني كنت معهم ومع زياد في تسلله!! شكرًا لتاليفكم هذه القصة الارثية 🙂
حسن كامران علي
يامن عجمي –
مرحبا ، هل تكون لكم مشاركة في معرض مسقط للكتاب في هذا الشهر ، و اذا لا هل هناك دور نشر مشاركين يقومون بنشر انتاجكم
Karma Shakhshir –
نعم سنشارك في معرض مسقط الدولي للكتاب ويسعدنا زيارتك لجناح دار السلوى في الفترة من ٢٣ فبراير الى ٦ مارس