Musical Tickles CD

Written by Taghreed Najjar
Illustrated by Hiba Farran


Musical Tickles Audio CD offers 34 rhymes put to music. They amuse and entertain children and are fun and easy to sing along with. Audio Cds are a great way to keep children amused in the car or sometimes just before bedtime. The audio Cd is a great tool to use with the book. The young child can listen to the audio CD while at the same time following the rhymes in the book. This encourages the child to “read” the rhymes from the book with the audio. Some of these rhymes will be remembered by parents and grandparents from their own childhood and will help to bring generations together.
Titles of the rhymes in this CD are:
1- I Have an Egg
2- The Bear Got Up to Dance
3- Seven Camels
4- The Three of Us
5- Count to Six
6- Hakara Bakara
7- The Fox
8- How Much Do I Love You?
9- Oh Flower
10- Two Rabbits
11- Let's Count to 10
12- The Story Has Ended
13- Re Re Reeta
14- Tangerine Tangerine
15- Grandpa's Bald Head
16- Saadah The Monkey
17- Bolbol Balabel
18- Under The Chair
19- This Old Man
20- Abdul Samad
21- Tiki Tiki Sambo
22- Walking Camel
23- Sarandah Ya Sarandah
24- Suzzaneh
25- Mr. Policeman
26- This is What He Does
27- The Tomato Seller
28- The Bread Seller
29- Oh Stonemason …
30- The Barber
31- Abu Mahmoud
32- The Shoeshine Boy
33- My Grandfather is a Farmer
34- Today is My Birthday

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