Weight | 0.163 kg |
Dimensions | 22 × 5 × 21 cm |
Omar is Lost
Illustrated by Oussama Mezher
Omar wanders from his mother’s side in pursuit of a kitten and gets lost in the downtown souk. He is faced with different situations and finally makes the right choice and is reunited with his mother.
909 in stock
Parent and Teacher guide
The fear of getting lost is a primal fear for most children. This story addresses this fear and paves the way to discuss many safety issues with children. Parents and teachers can discuss different options with children on how to avoid getting lost in public places. They can discuss the choices Omar made when he got lost. Why did he refuse to accompany strangers to find his Mom? Should he have gone with them? Are all strangers bad? What steps did Omar take to find his Mom? Who helped him in the end? What would you have done? Such questions will start a lively discussion and help the children find their own answers.
About the Author
Taghreed Najjar is a pioneer of modern children's literature in Jordan. A graduate of the American University of Beirut,Taghreed started her career as a teacher before becoming a full time writer of picture books and young adult novels. Her YA novels have been celebrated widely by her readers and various schools in the region have adopted them as part of their curriculum. A number of her books have won awards while others have been translated into foreign languages like English, Swedish, Turkish, French and Chinese.
One of her most critically acclaimed works is a series of ten picture books revolving around six-year old Jude and her family and friends.'The Halazone Series', deals with everyday childhood issues which are treated with humor and deftness by the author. One of Taghreed’s pet projects was collecting old Arabic children rhymes and publishing them in book and digital form to make them accessible to the modern child and family of today. She published two collections of rhymes, the latest entitled 'Musical Tickles' was selected by the National Centre for Children's Literature (a service of the French National Library) as one of the best publications in the Arab World in 2012/2013.
Taghreed is a member of the Jordanian Writer’s Association and takes part in international and regional conferences and workshops that deal with children literature.
About the Illustrator
Born in Lebanon in 1972, Oussama is a freelance graphic designer/illustrator now living and working in Montreal. She graduated from Beirut Arab University in 1995 with a degree in Graphic and Interiour Design. She got her masters in Design and Computation Arts from Concordia University in Montreal in 2007. She has been illustrating children book since 2000. At the moment her work covers brand identity and development, printed literature, advertising and web. Oussama is always ready for a new idea that excites and inspire her.
3 reviews for Omar is Lost
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basmadeib –
قصه جميله تعلم الاطفال اهمية البقاء بجوار الاهل في الاماكن العامة و كيفية التصرف في حال ضياع احدهم يحب اطفالي قصة ضاع عمر و يعكسون احداث القصه على انفسهم 🙂
ntb2008 –
من من ام لم تضطر الى ترك كل شي و الالتفاف للبحث عن ابنها او ابنتها اثناء التواجد في مكان عامً او الاطمئنان على تواجدهم حولها؟ قصة “ضاع عمر” قصة للكاتبة تغريد النجار و رسوم اسامة مزهر، قصة تستحوذ الاطفال من لحظة التفات ماما لروية عمر و حتى لحظة احتضانه بين ذراعيه. القصة مناسبة لتذكير الاطفال بعدم الاستماع للغرباء و كيفية التصرف عند عدم وجود ماما، كما تلفت النظر الى إمكانية تحفيظ الاطفال رقم هاتف ماما او بابا لغايات السلامة. #alsalwabooks
أحمد (verified owner) –
قصة مفيدة جدا لتعليم الأطفال انهم ما يبعدوا عن أهاليهم بالأسواق والاماكن المزدحمة وما يروحوا مع حدا غريب واذا ضاعو يدورا عالشرطي