Weight | 0.1475 kg |
Dimensions | 22 × 5 × 21 cm |
Karma’s Rabbit
Illustrated by Hassan Manasrah
While Karma is thinking of a name for her pet rabbit, it runs away from her. Each page finds the rabbit hiding in a different place. Karma starts to look for the runaway bunny and the young reader is encouraged to join in the search.
1667 in stock
Parent and Teacher guide
A fun story for children to read. It has the right mixture of ingredients that chidlren enjoy. There is a pet rabbit in the story that refuses to do what it is supposed to do. Many different situations arise and the child reader is encourged to help Karma in her search for the runaway bunny. The story ends with a funny surprise. Parents and teachers can engage children to expand on the story and suggest more places for the rabbit to hide in. They can start a discussion on pets. How much care they need. The different foods they eat. The fun they give…etc.
About the Author
Taghreed Najjar is a pioneer of modern children's literature in Jordan. A graduate of the American University of Beirut,Taghreed started her career as a teacher before becoming a full time writer of picture books and young adult novels. Her YA novels have been celebrated widely by her readers and various schools in the region have adopted them as part of their curriculum. A number of her books have won awards while others have been translated into foreign languages like English, Swedish, Turkish, French and Chinese.
One of her most critically acclaimed works is a series of ten picture books revolving around six-year old Jude and her family and friends.'The Halazone Series', deals with everyday childhood issues which are treated with humor and deftness by the author. One of Taghreed’s pet projects was collecting old Arabic children rhymes and publishing them in book and digital form to make them accessible to the modern child and family of today. She published two collections of rhymes, the latest entitled 'Musical Tickles' was selected by the National Centre for Children's Literature (a service of the French National Library) as one of the best publications in the Arab World in 2012/2013.
Taghreed is a member of the Jordanian Writer’s Association and takes part in international and regional conferences and workshops that deal with children literature.
About the Illustrator
Hassan completed his studies in applied arts, emphasis on interior design from the University of Balqa’ in Jordan. He also studied fine arts with emphasis on oil painting and took a course in sculpture at the Jordanian National Institute of Arts. He graduated in 2000, and held his first exhibition “Urban Mood” in 2006. He started illustrating for local magazines in 2003., Later on he moved to animation specifically animation for children. He contributed to the production of an animated series “Pink Panther and Pals” produced by “Rubicon & MGM”. He also illustrated some episodes for a famous children series “Driver Dan’s Story Train” produced by “A Productions Ltd. & BBC”. Hassan illustrated a number of children books published by local and regional publishing houses.
2 reviews for Karma’s Rabbit
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ntb2008 –
أرنب كرمة” قصة: تغريد النجار، رسوم: حسان مناصرة. قصة تدور حول هدية يأتي بها بابا ل”كرمة”، فيبدأ بإعطاءها الدلائل لمساعدتها حزر الهدية. فتبدأ القصة بتشويق الطفل لمعرفة هدية بابا، ثم تنتقل الى محاولة معرفة الاسم الذي ستستقر “كرمة” عليه في تسمية حيوانها الأليف الجديد. و في هذه الأثناء يحاول الاطفال مع “كرمة” محاولة تخمين و حزر المكان الذي يكون قد نط فيه الارنب و اختباء. القصة ذات اُسلوب مسل و سهل جدا للاطفال. و ما يثير روعتها هو رسومها بريشة الرسام حسان مناصرة و هو أيضا فنان قصة ” ما المانع” للكاتبة المبدعة تغريد النجار. الرسوم مشوقة جدا و تبدأ اثارتها من اول صفحة فحاولت ابنتي ذات ال ٤ سنوات تخمين الحيوان من لونه الأبيض الظاهر من الصندوق فقالت اولا (قطة) ثم استمعنا للنص و استنتجت الحل. و تزداد مغامرة الاطفال مع كرمة تشويقا حين يبحث الاطفال في كل صفحة عن دلائل وجود أرنب كرمة؛ رسوم جذابة و ذكية للاطفال بعيدة كل البعد عن الملل؛ فرحت ابنتي في كل صفحة بمحاولة البحث عن الارنب و معرفة مكانه و تاكيد معرفتها بالنص. النص فيه اهزوجة صغيرة للاطفال عن أرنب كرمة تساعد في تعلم كلمات قد تكون جديدة لأعمارهم. القصة مناسبة من عمر ٤-٨سنوات, القصة من سلسلة أحسن صديق؛ سلسلة كل قصة فيها مميزة بطريقة مختلفة . #alsalwabooks
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